- Show Nautical Chart
- Add Points from inlined geojson and style them with clickable circles
- Add Points from geojson loaded over http and style them with clickable circles
- Style geojson points using custom icon and text.
- Specify icon offset in geojson
- Style points using icons rotated for direction.
- Style a geojson line
- Style a geojson polygon
- Show popup with latitude, longitude on mouse click
- Change base map to OSM
- Change depth and distance unit.
- Style geojson points using custom icon and text.
- Using leaflet to render a Nautical Chart.
- Using leaflet to draw points, lines and polygons on a Nautical Chart.
- Using leaflet to render a Nautical Chart over Open Street Maps
- Using Google Maps to render a Nautical Chart
- Using Google Maps to render a Nautical Chart initialized to show depths in metres. Overlay lines, points and polygons on the nautical chart.
- Using Bing Maps to render a Nautical Chart.
- Overlay nautical charts on Azure maps with full rotation, pinch, tilt support.
- Overlay nautical charts on Azure maps with full rotation, pinch, tilt support.
- Mapbox GL JS render a nautical chart
- Mapbox GL JS render a nautical chart - add marker and poup
New! i-Hunting Topo Maps now available -
iPhone / iPad Marine Navigation App and WMTS App are now available -
New! Macbook ChartPlotter, and Windows Marine Navigation App now available -